

This is to bring to the notice of everyone that RajLaxmi Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (RSPL) website is not responsible for any illegal issues.

The facts on our RajLaxmi Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (RSPL) website (www.rajlaxmiworld.com) have been disclosed exclusively to deliver information about the company. The company won’t be responsible for any loss occurred due to its usage. All the facts and information are true and apt. All the details on this site are created for the convenience of clients and consumers.

RajLaxmi Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (RSPL) does not give a guarantee regarding accurateness, trustworthiness, and wholeness. You can use the details from our website at your own risk. We have provided beneficial details on our site. We won’t be responsible if they are misused. We won’t be answerable if any loss occurs. Any misconduct or loss from that misconduct will be the result of your choice. The company should not be accused regarding anything.