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Why the E-Way Bill is now Mandatory? Check out!

With the introduction of the GST, the taxation in India has seen radical changes. With compliance with GST having been made compulsory, a lot of people have been confused about how to understand and grasp the concept of GST fully.

Because of all the changes that have been introduced to the GST bill since its inception, people have mostly been confused about that as well. But with the introduction of the E-way Bill and the compulsion of businessmen to file such an E-way bill, all that has been made comparatively simpler.

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Get Familiar with GST Registration Cancellation

GST or Goods and Services Tax have been on the news and the minds of the citizens for quite a while now. If you are a business owner, then GST most likely affects you and is more important to you than anybody else. However, there may be instances when you might need to cancel your GST registration, and that can seem like a very complicated and long drawn out process. If you are planning on closing down your business, or if GST does not apply to you, you might need to cancel your GST registration, and even though it seems like a difficult process, it is fairly simple.

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Reasons why CA’s should recommend Computerized Accounting to their Client

It is an age of digitalization. According to the latest survey, the whole trade world is moving to digitization and leaving the manual system behind. So it’s clear enough that the trade organization is getting some further advantages which are making them choose the way.

Through computerized accounting, you can get faster access to information, and it also ensures the reliability. By maintaining a computerized account, it assured the security of your business that no information would leak without any consent of the operator.

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Benefits of Computerized Account for your Business under GST

Technological advancement is indeed a boon to the lives of humankind. The computerized accounts are the most primary requirement of a business organization as it always is the right way of starting and for better success.

Now after the come of GST it’s the most important attribute of a business organization to maintain a computerized account than a manual one. And it should be maintained in the most precise way by some experienced mentors like charter accountants.

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